
2018-12-16 08:08:08 道歉信



  Dear Sir or Madam,

  Thank you for letter of 5 May 20XX.

  I must apologies for the delay in replying to your letter of 15 April. Unfortunately some members of our staff have recently been off sick. This, at a time when several of our employees take their annual leave, has resulted in unavoidable delays in replying to letters.

  I enclose the price list of our company as requested and look forward to hearing from you.

  Your sincerely


  Dear Prof.Wong,

  I am deeply sorry to inform you that I did not manage to complete the task you designated last week, due to a sudden illness falling upon me these days. For the last week, I have been in a hospital with a continuous fever, which has prevented me from any activity.

  To make up my fault, could you please extend my deadline to next Friday? If so, I promise I will finish the task and send my report to you via email.

  I do apologize again for any inconvenience it might bring to you, and hope you could accept my apology.

  Sincerely yours,



  Dear Ms Winston,

  The purpose of this is to convey to you my sincere apologies for any inconvenience you may have experience last month with respect to the installation of your Internet high speed service.

  I just returned from vacation this week and found your file in my in-basket. As soon as I reviewed your case it was clear that somehow your Jau. 20th request for a change in service had somehow slipped through the cracks. The only possible explanation I can give is that we have recently had a number of key staff changes, which might have resulted in your letter being overlooked.

  Consequently, I have directed our installation group to contact you by the end of this week to set up a time convenient to you when they could go to your house and install your new router and make the necessary adjustments to your software.

  Because of this serious oversight, and as a testament to our appreciation of you as out customer , we are going to provide you with your first three months of high speed service for free charge. There fore, your account will not be billed until June of this year.

  Ms. Winston, let me assure you that what happened in your case is not typical of CableNet's level of customer service. We continue to be committed to providing you and all of our customers with the highest standards of service in the industry.

  If you have any questions please don't hesitate to call me.

  Yours in service


  Manager, customer solutions



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