
2021-08-22 23:40:32 资产评估报告

  Real Estate Evaluation Report

  Name of the appraisal Item: evaluation report of the house located at Room1, F5, Unit1, No.109,


  Date of report:

  No. of the report:

  Real Estate Appraisal Office Co., Ltd.

  Real Estate Appraisal Report


  On your request, we made spot inspection for the real estate located at Room1, F5, Unit1, No.109.. After checking & collecting necessary data, we made appraisal and hereby submitted the opinion of public market value dated for your reference.

  I. Status of Rights

  Property :( From Housing Ownership Certificate of)

  1.Location: Room1, F5, Unit1, No.109,



  4.Room No.:

  5.Building Coverage: 142.41 m2

  6.Structure: Reinforced Concrete Structure

  7.Total floors of construction: 5

  8.Living floor: 5

  9.Design use: Residential

  10. Building time: around 2007

  II. Status in quo of real estate

  According to our spot inspection, the subject is used as residence.

  III. Details of real estate

  A.Area Factors

  1.Area features and change trend:

  Appraisal object is located at Room1, F5, Unit1, No.109, y. This residential area is called Shangpinnanshan. The residential quarter is the first Class place fourth Category Area. The appraisal object approaches to. There are many high-grade residential areas around here, such as etc. Many department stores or service industry are also located at here, such as schools will provide perfect services for residents. In this densely populated area, ancillary facility of life services is complete. On the basis of general plan and zoning plan of, there is no doubt that this region will become a higher gathering residential area in future and its building scale will become higher and larger. Hence, we all think that this region which the house was located at have huge potential for increment.

  2.Traffic conditions:

  Appraisal object approaches to Street. The advantage of this region is convenient transportation. There are many bus lines around here such as No. 505, No. 501, No.407 etc. These bus lines could reach at each region of the city. We can say that the system of public traffic has a strong radiation.

  3.Living services facility:

  Near it, there are Supermarket; Monetary, living, medical facilities including banks, hospitals and schools can provide perfect services for residents. In this region also have many small and medium size restaurants, entertainment and relaxation places etc.

  4.Education facility:

  Near the appraisal object, there are

  B. Individual factor

  1.Location and use:

  The appraisal object is located at Room1, F5, Unit1, No.109, , now is used as of residence.

  2.Area and structure:

  The appraisal object’s building Coverage is 142.41 m2 with reinforced concrete structure.

  3.Decoration standard:

  The appraisal object is equipped with thief prevention entrance door, steel and plastic window. The structural system of house is north-south. The inside floor is covered with wood flooring, the wall is coated with whiting; the floor of kitchen is covered with floor tile, the wall is covered with ceramic tile; the floor of washroom is covered with non-slippery floor, the wall is covered with wall tile.



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